HelaMalmö is a non-profit organisation arranging projects and activities aimed at young people in Malmö, Sweden. They reacted strongly when a neighboring municipality released a criticised commercial aimed at demonising Malmö. Futency offered to help HelaMalmö respond to the message in a pro bono case, and shot a new video called ”Vi är på riktigt” (”We are for real”).
The HelaMalmö case in 2 minutes
In this video four young men and women from Malmö - Colin, Hayal, Amina and Kamal - reveal their dreams and talk about their future. One story stands out: as a teenager Kamal was shot five times on his way to soccer practice. Media immediately portrayed the event as a violent dispute between criminals - until suspicion arose that Kamal was a hate crime victim to Peter Mangs, a Swedish serial killer who was convicted for two cases of murder and four cases of attempted murders.
Everyone involved in the making of "Vi är på riktigt" have contributed without any compensation. It was quickly viewed over 220 000 times in social media. The estimated potential reach that week was over 8 million people - almost everyone in Sweden.